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JKS Udlandsafdelingen

Mechanical Assembly Workers Wanted for an Exciting Temporary Position


Permanent, Tidsbegrænset

Egevej 2, 6200 Aabenraa, Danmark

ID: 2857173
Indrykket for 4 dage siden

On behalf of one of our valued partners, we are currently seeking a mechanical assembler. This temporary position will last for 4-6 months, starting in March.

We are looking for an employee with industrial experience in mechanical assembly. It is essential that you can read and understand technical drawings.

Job Responsibilities
As a mechanical assembly worker, you will be responsible for both fine assembly and the assembly of larger components. The work requires the ability to read and interpret technical drawings and previous experience with assembly work in the metal industry.
Work Hours
Day shift:
•    Monday - Thursday: 6:30 AM - 2:30 PM
•    Friday: 6:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Tasks Include:
•    Assembly
•    Final assembly
•    Testing

•    Experience with mechanical assembly
•    Ability to read and follow technical drawings

About You:
•    Detail-oriented and quality-conscious
•    Responsible and a good team player
•    Able to provide a clean criminal record

Application Process

Please fill out the application form and attach your application and CV as soon as possible. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
If you would like to be automatically considered for similar positions, you are welcome to register at jks.dk/cv – we will contact you when relevant jobs become available.

Benefits of Working as a Temporary Employee with JKS:
•    Greater flexibility in your work life – you decide where, when, and how much you want to work
•    Gain experience in different workplaces and build a broad skill set
•    Often a stepping stone to permanent employment, as many companies hire their new employees from their temporary workforce
•    A great way to earn extra money – ideal for students on a gap year, during holiday periods, or for retirees who want to stay active without working full-time
•    With JKS, you are always covered by the applicable collective agreement, ensuring fair working conditions and correct, on-time payment.


For more information, contact the JKS International department at +45 73323750 or email us at [email protected].

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