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Aarhus Universitet

Assistant Professor of French International Business Communication



Nordre Ringgade 1, 8000 Aarhus C, Danmark

ID: 2636517
Indrykket for 23 dage siden
The School of Communication and Culture at Aarhus University invites applications for the position of assistant professor of French international business communication based at the Department of German and Romance Languages.

The assistant professorship is a full-time, three-year fixed-term position, and subject to appropriate funding, there will be an opportunity to apply for a subsequent associate professorship. The position begins on 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

The School of Communication and Culture is committed to diversity and encourages all qualified applicants to apply regardless of their personal background.

The position
The Department of German and Romance Languages has a significant international research and teaching profile in the study of the communicative aspects of business activities in an international context, ranging from the tactical level to the textual level at which texts and visual artefacts are composed and adapted.

We are looking for an applicant who can contribute to and strengthen the development of research and teaching profiles in international business communication. The successful applicant will be expected to develop research in the field of international business communication in French and to teach on the department’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes related to international business communication in French, or similar.

In sum, we are looking for an innovative and dedicated applicant who will strengthen the research and teaching profiles of the department nationally and internationally as well as contributing to Aarhus University’s core activities in the areas of research, teaching and supervision, talent development and knowledge exchange.

The Department of German and Romance Languages at Aarhus University has a pronounced and significant international profile and a robust research network.

We are looking for an applicant who will pursue research in international business communication in French and specifically in organisations’ communication with their stakeholders in connection with major organisational issues, including, for example, change communication, communication in the field of environmental and social governance, crisis communication, and communication related to organisational and product branding.

Given the strong technological developments in the field of international business communication, particularly in AI, language technology and new methods of research, it would be considered an advantage if the applicant could contribute to exploring:
  • how AI and language technology can be integrated into international business communication research, such as analysing language patterns in cross-cultural communication and virtual team communication, studying the impact of AI on business communication strategies, and investigating the role of AI chatbots in customer relations
  • how to utilise innovative research methods, such as big data analysis, sentiment analysis of multilingual business texts, virtual reality simulations for cross-cultural communication training, or experimental studies on the effectiveness of different communication strategies in international business contexts.

The successful applicant will be expected to develop research projects that result in peer-reviewed publications. The successful applicant will also be expected to participate in the research community at the department in terms of collaborative research projects with internal and external partners, as well as participating in applications for external research funding.

Teaching and supervision
The successful applicant will be expected to take part in the department’s teaching and supervision activities and to teach and supervise on the department’s Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes, particularly the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in international business communication in French, including courses such as organisational communication, change communication, and branding in a communicative perspective. The successful applicant may also be required to teach courses within the field of specialised communication, including, for example, corporate reporting and translation of LSP texts. Please indicate in your application which courses on the degree programmes in international business communication in French you could teach. The successful applicant will be expected to apply relevant digital tools and innovative teaching methods.

The successful applicant will be expected to develop supervision capabilities at both BA and MA levels.

Given the international focus of the degree programmes, the successful applicant will be expected to teach in French as well as in Danish and English. The successful applicant may also be asked to teach academically relevant courses at other departments within the school.

The person appointed to the position of assistant professor must complete Aarhus University’s teacher-training programme for assistant professors, which is designed for university teaching.

Knowledge exchange
It is expected that the successful applicant will engage in knowledge exchange, for instance in terms of research collaboration with private and public companies and organisations, government consultancy, collaboration with civil society, and the public dissemination of knowledge.

The successful applicant will have excellent opportunities to engage in collaborative initiatives with partners inside and outside Aarhus University.

Applicants must have a PhD degree or must document equivalent qualifications in a relevant field related to international business communication in French as well as teaching and research experience equivalent to that attained through a PhD degree. Applicants must be able to document, relevant to the position:
  • an internationally oriented research profile in international business communication in French or in a relevant communication field as documented by a PhD dissertation and/or research publications
  • relevant teaching experience at university level, including innovative teaching methods documented through a teaching portfolio
  • native or near-native command of French.

Furthermore, it will be considered an advantage if applicants can document
  • a track record of research publications of a high international standard, as commensurate with the length of the applicant’s academic career
  • an outstanding and innovative doctoral dissertation in an area related to and relevant for the position
  • participation in national and international research networks
  • international research conference participation
  • time spent abroad working or studying at one or more internationally recognised research institutions.

Finally, applicants are asked to provide a research plan for the next three years and their contribution to future developments within the field, including plans for publications, funding applications and collaborations with external partners.

Please note that although the application process can be completed on the Aarhus University system without uploading publications or a teaching portfolio, applications that do not include uploaded publications (maximum five) as well as a teaching portfolio (or equivalent documentation of teaching experience and qualifications) will not be considered.

Although the Aarhus University application system includes an option to upload letters of recommendation, please do not include letters of recommendation or references with the application. Applicants who are invited to an interview may be asked to provide references.

Work environment
Active participation in the daily life of the department is a high priority, and we emphasise the importance of good working relationships, both among colleagues and with our students. To maintain and develop the department’s excellent teaching and research environment, the successful applicant is expected to be present at the department daily.

We respect the balance between work and private life and strive to create a work environment in which that balance can be maintained. You can read more about family and work-life balance in Denmark.

International applicants
International applicants are encouraged to read about the attractive working conditions and other benefits of working at Aarhus University and in Denmark, including healthcare, paid holidays and, if relevant, maternity/paternity leave, childcare and schooling. Aarhus University offers a wide variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including a relocation service and an AU Expat Partner Programme. You can also find information about the taxation aspects of international researchers’ employment by AU.
An appointee who does not speak Danish will be required to acquire proficiency in Danish sufficient to manage tasks, including administrative and managerial responsibilities, and to participate fully in the activities of the School of Communication and Culture within approximately three years of commencing the appointment. These include, but are not limited to, reading work-related texts and taking part in meetings and collegial gatherings in Danish.The department
The place of employment is the Department of German and Romance Languages, Jens Chr. Skous Vej 4, 8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.

The Department of German and Romance Languages currently employs over thirty full-time academic staff, PhD students and several part-time lecturers from various countries. The research covers international business communication, corporate communication, specialised and literary translation, lexicography, literature, linguistics, social/historical/cultural studies and intercultural studies. The department offers three main types of degree programmes in French, German and Spanish: international business communication, language, literature and culture, and intercultural studies.

Prospective applicants are invited to view the department’s website.

School of Communication and Culture
The school is a part of the Faculty of Arts. You will find information about the school and its research programmes, departments and diverse activities on its website.Contact

For further information about the position, please contact Henrik Høeg Müller, Head of the Department of German and Romance Languages, by tel.: +45 25 39 70 49 or by email: [email protected].

If you need help uploading your application or have questions about the recruitment process, please contact Arts HR support by email: [email protected].

Qualification requirements
Applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent academic qualifications.

Aarhus University offers a broad variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including relocation service and career counselling to expat partners: Relocation Services for Professors and Postdocs at Aarhus University (au.dk). Please find more information about entering and working in Denmark here: http://international.au.dk/research/.

If nothing else is noted, applications must be submitted in English. Application deadline is at 11.59 pm Danish time (same as Central European Time) on the deadline day.

Aarhus University’s ambition is to be an attractive and inspiring workplace for all and to foster a culture in which each individual has opportunities to thrive, achieve and develop. We view equality and diversity as assets, and we welcome all applicants.

Shortlists may be prepared with the candidates that have been selected for a detailed academic assessment. A committee set up by the head of school is responsible for selecting the most qualified candidates. See this link for further information about shortlisting at the Faculty of Arts: shortlisting


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