Butcher – slaughterhouse employee
Tørskindvej 19, 7183 Randbøldal, Danmark
ID: 2786596
Indrykket for 88 dage siden
Slaughterhouse is looking for butchers. The company is located in Randbøldal. As publictransport is limited, it would be an advantage to have your own car.
Tasks: Cutting up and boning pigs at a large slaughterhouse.
Requirements for qualifications: Trained butcher or experience from the industry. Experienceof using a knife, being on a slaughter line for the removal of organs or experience of thecutting and boning process.
Requires the ability to work on your feet in cool environments
Number of hours: 37 hours per week on day shift . Working hours on day shift : 7.00-15.24 or 6.00-14.24
Number of hours: 34 hours per week on the aft ernoon shift (salary is paid for 37 hours).Working hours on the aft ernoon shift : 15:00 - 22:54
Salary according to current agreements with Danish Industry.
Requirement to present a criminal record: No
Language skills: There are many nationalities employed in the company, so it is not arequirement that the employee speaks Danish or English. However, English is a big advantage.