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Job Solution Denmark ApS

CA developers - Customer in technology



Strandesplanaden 110, 2665 Vallensbæk Strand, Danmark

ID: 2854950
Indrykket for 2 dage siden

The customer is seeking a CA Gen Developer with hands-on experience using the CA Gen (formerly IEF and COOL: Gen ) 4th generation model-driven development tool.
Competence requirements:

  • CA Gen Expertise:
  • Comprehensive understanding of CA Gen Model concepts.
  • Proficiency with the CA Gen toolset, including:
  • 3270 CA Gen screens.
  • Windows-based CA Gen clients.
  • Com-proxies and Java-proxies.
  • CA Gen Batch applications.


  • COBOL Knowledge:
  • COBOL programming skills to be able to support the CA Gen programs with external functionality (External Action Blocks (EABs)).


  • Mainframe Experience:
  • General Mainframe MVS knowledge.
  • Including knowledge and experience working with the following technologies:
  • DB2 database management.
  • SDSF (System Display and Search Facility).
  • CICS (Customer Information Control System).
  • JCL (Job Control Language).
  • MQ Series.


Summarized this role requires a solid foundation in CA Gen development, as well as experience with Mainframe systems and COBOL, to effectively design, maintain, and enhance enterprise applications.

Your Application

Does the role sound interesting and suitable for you? We recommend submitting your application as soon as possible, as interviews are conducted on an ongoing basis, and the role may be filled before the application deadline. We can only receive and process your application by having you register your CV in the portal on https://quest.se/lediga-jobb/?assignment_id=6417 . Due to GDPR regulations, we cannot accept applications via email. We warmly welcome your application! This assignment is part of Quest Consulting's staffing services.

About Us

We specialize in IT, Technology, HR, Administration, and Finance. Our goal is to be your personal partner, which is why it is very important for us to work according to our core values, where our key principles are to be Personal, Innovative, and Professional.

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