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  2. Hotel og restauration
  3. Horsens


Chef needed



Havnen 11A, 8700 Horsens, Danmark

ID: 2827063
Indrykket for 20 dage siden

Vi søger en kok, der brænder for at give en god oplevelse for gæsterne, og som nyder at være en del af et godt team.

Det er vigtigt, at du har lyst til at lære og er klar til at yde dit bedste!

Vores forretningsområder spænder bredt, alt fra brunch, møder, fester, á la carte, julefrokoster osv. så du skal være meget alsidig i din tilgang til jobbet.

Vi går meget op i god tone og arbejdsglæde, så det skal være nogle af dine prioriteter.

Vi stræber efter at være et sted, hvor alle føler sig velkomne, grundet vores ærlighed, kvalitet, originalitet og nærvær.


Vi forestiller os, at du:

- elsker udvikling og er ikke bange for at udvikle hverken dig selv eller andre.

- er jordnær, venlig og klar til at tackle de sværeste situationer med et smil.

- kan lide at arbejde i et travlt køkken.

- har mindst 2 års kokkeerfaring

- dit engelsk skal være godt

Vi tilbyder en arbejdsplads, hvor vi har smil og god stemning.

Arbejdstid: fuldtid

Løn: Individuel efter kvalifikationer.


Start: Så hurtigt som muligt.

Kan du identificere dig med ovenstående og vil du være med på holdet, så send os din ansøgning.

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig, og hvorfor du skal være en del af vores team!

Der er 1 stilling ledig

We are looking for a chef who is passionate about providing a good experience for the guests and who enjoys being part of a good team.

It is important that you want to learn and are ready to give it your best!

Our business areas cover a wide range, everything from brunch, meetings, parties, á la carte, Christmas lunches, etc. so you have to be very versatile in your approach to the job.

We care a lot about tone of voice and job satisfaction, so these must be some of your priorities.

We strive to be a place where everyone feels welcome, due to our honesty, quality, originality and presence.

We imagine that you:

  • You love development and are not afraid to develop either yourself or others.
  • - are down to earth, friendly and ready to tackle the most difficult situations with a smile.
  • - likes to work in a busy kitchen.
  • - has at least 2 years of kitchen experience
  • - your english has to be good
  • We offer a workplace where we have smiles and good vibes.
  • Working hours: part time
  • Salary: Individual according to qualifications.
  • Start: As soon as possible.​
  • Can you identify with the above and do you want to join the team, then send us your application.
  • ​We look forward to hearing from you and why you should be part of our team!
  • There is 1 vacant position

We are looking for a kitchen assistant who is passionate about providing a good experience for the guests and who enjoys being part of a good team.

It is important that you want to learn and are ready to give it your best!

Our business areas cover a wide range, everything from brunch, meetings, parties, á la carte, Christmas lunches, etc. so you have to be very versatile in your approach to the job.

We care a lot about tone of voice and job satisfaction, so these must be some of your priorities.

We strive to be a place where everyone feels welcome, due to our honesty, quality, originality and presence.

We imagine that you:

  • You love development and are not afraid to develop either yourself or others.
  • - are down to earth, friendly and ready to tackle the most difficult situations with a smile.
  • - likes to work in a busy kitchen.
  • - has at least 2 years of kitchen experience
  • - your english has to be good
  • We offer a workplace where we have smiles and good vibes.
  • Working hours: full time
  • Salary: Individual according to qualifications.
  • Start: As soon as possible.​
  • Can you identify with the above and do you want to join the team, then send us your application.
  • ​We look forward to hearing from you and why you should be part of our team!
  • There is 1 vacant position


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