The Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen, would like to hire two student assistants for a period of three years to support an European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant project, ANGLE (see link below):
ANGLE: Anger, legitimised: Amplified anger and its rhetorics of legitimation in the 21st century – Department of Anthropology - University of Copenhagen Work tasks You will be assisting with:
- Creating and update project website. Maintain and upload content in social media profiles of the project. These tasks include taking photographs and developing creative content from work done in the project.
- Administrative tasks, such as help with the reimbursement of travel expenses.
- Practical aspects of workshop organization, such as attending to catering services, taking minutes and notes if required, setting up signs, creating posters and advertisement, making reservations for workshop meals and room bookings.
- Looking after the travel and accommodation needs of invitees and visiting scholars (such as booking hotels, flights if required, receiving scholars who require assistance at the airport and escorting them to event venues).
- Organise research clusters, lunches and coordinate activities among students that want to be aligned with our project
- Any other tasks that we need support with (this includes minor copy-editing, small-scale translation work etc)
- Onboarding postdoctoral fellows, visiting scholars and other assistance that they might need during their affiliation with the department.
Terms and Conditions On average, you are expected to work 10 hours per week.
The period of employment begins as soon as possible.
The employment is made in accordance with the Collective Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Taxation and the Organisations of Public Employees – governmental institutions (the OAO-S collective agreement) and under the Professional Agreement for clerical employees, laboratory technicians and IT officers in the state. The minimum wage is DKK 140,56 (1 april 2024-level). Your salary will be based on seniority.
To be considered for the position, you must be enrolled as a student at university level and an active student.
The employment is time limited to 31 December 2027.
Application Interested applicants should submit a concise application, which includes their CV, enrollment certificate and academic transcripts.
The deadline for applications is 3 April 2025. Interviews are expected to be held shortly after the expiration of the application deadline.
The University of Copenhagen wishes to reflect the surrounding society and invites all qualified applicants regardless of personal background to apply for the position.
Further information Should you require any further information regarding the position, please feel free to contact Professor Atreyee Sen,
[email protected].
The University of Copenhagen (UCPH) is in the process of implementing a new joint administrative organisation and new workflows, which will lead to changes in the coming years. For more information, please Contact Professor Atreyee Sen,
[email protected]. or Christel Brink Hansen,
[email protected]. You can also read more