KAPELKONKURRENCE (for English see below) 2. solo bratsch Torsdag d.22. maj 2025 vil der blive afholdt konkurrence om en ledig stilling som 2. solo bratschist i Det Kongelige Kapel.
Stillingen ønskes besat pr. 10. august 2025
eller efter aftale.
Konkurrenceopgaverne er: 1. runde
Carl Stamitz: Bratsch koncert i D dur 1. sats med kadence
eller F.A. Hoffmeister: Bratsch koncert i D dur 1. sats med kadence.
2. runde
William Walton: Bratschkoncert 1.sats
eller Béla Bartók: Bratschkoncert 1.sats
eller Paul Hindemith Bratschkoncert 1.sats ”Der Schwanendreher”.
3. runde
Orkesteruddrag samt evt. kammermusik.
Alle orkesteruddrag kan downloades ca. 2 uger før på:
For at blive inviteret til konkurrencen, skal man senest d.07.04.2025 have tilmeldt sig konkurrencen og uploadet video med nedenstående program, spillet i uredigeret version på enten onlineskemaet, eller som medsendt link til YouTube video. Max længde video 5 min./100 MB.
På videoen spilles:
F. A. Hoffmeister bratschkoncert til takt 91.
eller Carl Stamitz bratschkoncert i D dur, til takt 137.
Videoen optages uden klaverakkompagnement.
Invitation på baggrund af videoen, forventes fremsendt senest d.11. april.
Ansættelsesvilkår Ansættelse finder sted i henhold til Fællesoverenskomst for Det Kongelige Teater omfattende kunstnerisk personale og Protokollat til fællesoverenskomst for kapelmusikere mellem Det Kongelige Teater og CO 10 samt lokalaftaler indgået mellem Det Kongelige Teater og Dansk Musikerforbund.
Der stilles mesterinstrument til rådighed for vinderen af pladsen.
Stillingerne ønskes besat pr. 11. august
2025 eller efter aftale
Det første år er prøvetid med én måneds gensidigt opsigelsesvarsel.
Det Kongelige Teater forbeholder sig ret til at afholde prøvespillet for et antal indkaldte ansøgere.
Alle interesserede, uanset baggrund, opfordres til at søge stillingen.
Bemærk, at der indhentes en børneattest i forbindelse med ansættelsen.
Det er en forudsætning, at ansøgere uden for EU-landene ved ansættelsestidspunktet selv har sikret sig arbejds- og opholdstilladelse i Danmark.
Online ansøgningsskema på: Ansøg 2. solo bratschist Online ansøgningsskema med oplysninger om tidligere ansættelse mm. skal være modtaget på teatret
senest den 7. april 2025. Yderligere oplysninger: konstitueret Orkesterkoordinator Tjill Dreyer
[email protected] Læs mere på hjemmesiden:
Om Det Kongelige Kapel Med over 500 års historie er Det Kongelige Kapel verdens ældste orkester. Dets enestående arv og dybe musiske tradition gør det til en hjørnesten i den klassiske musik. Allerede i 1940'erne, mens førende orkestre i USA og Storbritannien fejrede deres 100-års jubilæer, markerede dette ensemble et halvt årtusinde af musikalsk virke.
Orkestret er anerkendt for sin kunstneriske kvalitet og prestige og har tiltrukket nogle af verdens mest fremtrædende dirigenter – herunder Herbert von Karajan, som sikrede sig en plads på podiet ved at tilbyde sine tjenester gratis. Med en arv, der fortsat inspirerer, forbliver Det Kongelige Kapel et fyrtårn for musikalsk excellence.
(in english)
THE ROYAL DANISH THEATRE AND ORCHESTRA – COPENHAGEN ORCHESTRA AUDITION 2nd solo viola On Thursday 22th of May 2025, an audition will be held for a vacant position as second solo viola player in The Royal Danish Orchestra.
A successful audition would result in a trial beginning ideally on the 10th of August 2025.
The audition repertoire: 1st round
Carl Stamitz: Viola concerto in D major 1st movement with cadenza or F.A. Hoffmeister: Viola concerto in D major 1st movement with cadenza.
2nd round
William Walton: Viola Concerto 1st movement or Béla Bartók: Viola Concerto 1st movement or Paul Hindemith Viola Concerto 1st movement ”Der Schwanendreher”.
3rd round
Orchestral excerpts and possibly chamber music.
Orchestral excerpts All orchestral excerpts can be downloaded approx. 2 weeks before the audition at: Invitation In order to be invited to the audition, you must have registered for the audidtion no later than 7th of April 2025. An uploaded video with the program below, must be played in an unedited clip on either the online form, or as an accompanying link to the YouTube video. Max video length 5 min./100 MB.
The video set program:
F. A. Hoffmeister viola concerto to bar number 91.
or Carl Stamitz's viola concerto in D major, to bar number 137.
The video should be recorded without piano accompaniment.
An invitation based on the video, will be sent no later than the 11th of April.
Employment Conditions Employment will take place under the Joint Agreement for the Royal Theatre on-extensive artistic staff and the Protocol to the mutual agreement of Kapelmusicians between the Royal Theatre and CO10 and local agreements between the Royal Theatre and the Danish Musician’s Union.
The first year of employment is on a trial basis and may be cancelled subject to one month's mutual notice.
The positions is to be filled as per
August 11,
2025 or according to agreement.
All interested candidates, regardless of background, are encouraged to apply.
Please note that a child protection certificate will be obtained as part of the employment process.
For applicants outside the EU countries, it is a precondition that the applicant has arranged for work and residence permits in Denmark at the time of employment.
Application The online application form, including details of previous employment and other relevant information, must be
submitted no later than April 7, 2025. Click the
“Søg stillingen” to the right to access the application form.
Further information: Tjill Dreyer, orchestra coordinator
[email protected] For more information about The Royal Thetare, please visit the website:
About The Royal Danish Orchestra With over 500 years of history, the Royal Danish Orchestra holds the distinction of being the world’s oldest orchestra. Its unmatched heritage and deep musical tradition set it apart, making it a cornerstone of classical music. Even in the 1940s, while leading orchestras in the US and UK were marking their centenaries, this ensemble was already celebrating half a millennium of performance.
Renowned for its artistry and prestige, the orchestra has drawn the world's finest conductors, including Herbert von Karajan, who once secured his place at the podium by offering his services for free. With a legacy that continues to inspire, the Royal Danish Orchestra remains a beacon of musical excellence.