1. Alle Job
  2. Hotel og restauration
  3. Rudersdal

Søly ApS




Vedbæk Strandvej 362, 2950 Vedbæk, Danmark

ID: 2842096
Indrykket for 12 dage siden


Søly – bistro and micro-bakery with a focus on sourdough and classic pastries

Søly is a bistro located in Vedbæk, north of Copenhagen. In addition to our bistro, we have established a micro-bakery that has become extremely popular in the area. We sell moist sourdough bread, delicious cinnamon rolls, flavorful cookies, and continuously develop new recipes to surprise and delight our guests.

We make bread entirely from scratch and using traditional methods.

At Søly, you will be part of a professional and social environment where we focus on high expertise, good quality, and delicious products.


We are looking for:

It is crucial to be passionate about the job and to have experience working with in a dishpit, as you will be part of the daily operation. Here, you will contribute to the development of the restaurant as you have a crucial role in ensuring that the restaurant is running smoothly and we have happy guests every day.


You will be responsible for:

·         Operations of the dish-pit

·         Backyard cleaning


We offer you:

·         Being part of a popular micro-bakery in rapid development

·         A strong team with a focus on cross-learning between the kitchen, bakery and Dishpit

·         A healthy work environment with a focus on well-being and teamwork

·         A great work location

You will receive a salary based on your qualifications. If this sounds appealing to you, please send an email to [email protected].




About You

·         You can speak Danish or English.

·         You are detail-oriented, thorough, efficient, and reliable.

·         And you bring plenty of good energy and a positive attitude!


Warm regards from the Søly team.



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