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Eurojob Denmark ApS

Electrician jobs available in Svendborg



Ånumvej 28, 6900 Skjern, Danmark

ID: 2853816
Indrykket for 2 dage siden

Type of employment: permanent
Location: 5700 Svendborg
Starting date: as soon as possible

Job description
Electricians needed in Svendborg, Denmark. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply by sending their application or calling +45 88448244 during our office hours: Monday-Thursday 9:00-15:00 and Friday 9:00-13:00.

Job duties and responsibilities

  • Installation and maintenance of electrical systems in various settings.

  • Assembly of switches and plugs, cable routing, and installation of cabinets for main and communication cables.

  • Reading and interpreting electrical blueprints and diagrams.

  • Troubleshooting and resolving electrical issues.

  • Adhering to safety regulations and quality standards.

Job requirements

  • Proven experience as an electrician in a relevant setting (e.g., commercial, industrial, residential).

  • Hands-on expertise in switch and plug assembly, cable routing, and installation of cabinets for main and communication cables.

  • Proficiency in reading and interpreting electrical blueprints, schematics, and diagrams.

  • Strong understanding of electrical codes and safety regulations.

  • Ability to troubleshoot and diagnose electrical problems.

  • Experience with the installation and maintenance of various electrical systems, including lighting, power distribution, and control systems.

  • Excellent problem-solving skills and attention to detail.

  • Ability to work independently and as part of a team.

  • Effective communication skills to interact with colleagues, supervisors, and clients.


  • Driver's license required: B 

Salary and benefits

  • Hourly gross salary: starting from 165.00 kr./hour + 11.00% collective agreement salary supplement.

  • Accommodation and transportation to work: provided if needed.

  • Eurojob Denmark may provide assistance for registration to SIRI, SKAT, BorgerService, and all the other authorities, free of charge.

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