Electronics Engineer for developing Analogue and Digital electronics
We are a scale-up company with leading edge technology which started years back in the at Aarhus University with a dream to build next generation imaging solutions for solving today’s water problems.
We are seeking an electronic engineer to join the team at TEMcompany. The company was established in early 2020, with location in Aarhus, Denmark. New state-of-the-art technology and products are ready for the market, and the current team of more than 30 employees are in search of a dynamic electronics engineer who can help our R&D team to make our hardware platform even better and develop a new platform for the future.
About Us
TEMcompany develops, manufactures, and sells geophysical instruments for mitigating the increasing global water crisis. The fusion of software and hardware is key to the company's vision of creating state-of-the-art instruments for non-experts. We develop hardware, microprocessor firmware, and FPGA, as well as user interfaces for Windows and mobile platforms. The company is partially owned by the Grundfos Foundation.
The Position
The position is part of our R&D group, where you will work alongside engineers and technicians. You will be involved in the development of instruments at the electronic and microprocessor level. You are quality-conscious, meticulous, and committed to your work, and you embrace challenges, even during busy periods. You have a good understanding of analogue electronics and the interaction with the digital implementation. You must thrive in the lab, with a hands-on approach to electronics and solve complex problems with your strong debugging skills.
We are starting to develop next generation of our transmitter technology and the electronic engineer will be central in this development.
We use OrCad Pspice for circuit simulations, Cadence OrCAD Capture for diagram drawing and OrCAD PCB Editor for PCB layout so any experience in the OrCad environment is an important plus.
Preferred qualifications
Job Responsibilities
We Offer
Above all, we offer meaningful work where the solutions you help create often lead to a better life for many people around the world.
Your Application
We aim to start as soon as possible, and suitable candidates will be promptly invited for an interview. Please send your application, CV, and other relevant documents to [email protected]. Mention "Electronics Engineer" in the subject line.
You can learn more about TEMcompany at www.temcompany.com.
For further information, please contact CEO Esben Auken at [email protected] or via phone at +45 28992587.
Elektronikingeniør til udvikling af analog og digital elektronik
Vi er en scale-up virksomhed med førende teknologi, der startede for år tilbage i HydroGeophysics Group på Aarhus Universitet med en drøm om at bygge næste generations billedbehandlingsløsninger til at løse nutidens vandproblemer.
Vi søger en elektronikingeniør til at slutte sig til teamet hos TEMcompany. Virksomheden blev etableret i begyndelsen af 2020 med hjemsted i Aarhus, Danmark. Ny state-of-the-art teknologi og produkter er klar til markedet, og det nuværende team på mere end 30 medarbejdere er på jagt efter en dynamisk elektronik ingeniør, der kan hjælpe vores R&D team med at gøre vores hardwareplatform endnu bedre og udvikle en ny platform for fremtiden.
Om os
TEMcompany udvikler, producerer og sælger geofysiske instrumenter til at afbøde den stigende globale vandkrise. Sammenkoblingen af software og hardware er nøglen til virksomhedens vision om at skabe state-of-the-art instrumenter til ikke-eksperter. Vi udvikler hardware, mikroprocessorfirmware og FPGA samt brugergrænseflader til Windows og mobile platforme. Virksomheden er delvist ejet af Poul Due Jensen | Grundfos Fonden.
Du trives med at arbejde i laboratoriet med en praktisk tilgang til elektronik og løse komplekse problemer med dine stærke fejlfindingsevner.
Vi står foran udvikling af næste generation af vore TEM teknologi og her får du en central placering.
Vi bruger OrCad Pspice til kredsløbssimuleringer, Cadence OrCAD Capture til diagramtegning og OrCAD PCB Editor til PCB-layout, så enhver erfaring i OrCad-miljøet er et plus.
Foretrukne kvalifikationer
Vi tilbyder
Frem for alt tilbyder vi meningsfuldt arbejde, hvor de løsninger, du er med til at skabe, ofte fører til et bedre liv for mange mennesker rundt om i verden.
Din ansøgning
Vi bestræber os på at starte hurtigst muligt, og egnede kandidater vil straks blive inviteret til en samtale. Send venligst din ansøgning, CV og andre relevante dokumenter til [email protected]. Nævn "Elektronikingeniør" i emnelinjen.
Du kan lære mere om TEMcompany på www.temcompany.com. For yderligere information kontakt venligst CEO Esben Auken på [email protected] eller via telefon på +45 28992587.
Husk at skrive i din ansøgning, at du så jobbet hos Ofir