For english see below.
LINAK søger studerende til praktik inden for elektronik! Vi søger dig, som har vilje, lysten til at lære og drive til at blive en del af et dynamisk og engageret team. Du vil blive inddraget i værdiskabende projekter og reelle problemstillinger, og deriblandt arbejde med både større og mindre opgaver.
Vi søger praktikanter inden for flere områder: Existing Products og R&D
I Existing Products kan du arbejde med analyse og gennemføre tekniske forbedringer på produkter, lave kostoptimeringer og mindre mekaniske udviklingsprojekter for at forblive konkurrencedygtig. Du vil være med til at gennemføre kvalitetsforbedringsopgaver og reklamationsbehandling og du vil være i dialog med både interne og eksterne parter. I Existing Products er du nøgleperson for produktets fremtidige levetid! Se videoen her om hvordan det er at være i Existing Products (elektronik) hos LINAK.
I R&D vil du arbejde med nuværende udviklingsprojekter og tage del i processen fra idé til løbende produktion. Opgaver kan indebære, at du skal tegne, analysere, teste og implementere komplekse kredsløbsdesign som en del af større udviklingsprojekter samt dokumentere eget arbejde igennem hele udviklingsforløbet.
Eksempler på tidligere projekter - projekterne varierer efter kvalifikationer og interesser:
Vi søger dig, som:
Hvorfor LINAK?
Når du ansøger:
Vi har ingen ansøgningsfrist. Ansøgninger behandles efterhånden som de modtages, og der indkaldes løbende til samtaler, så søg hurtigst muligt.
Start: august / september 2025
Ønsker du flere oplysninger, er du velkommen til at kontakte vores HR Administrator Lene Bernth-Andersen på tlf: +4573151503.
Engineering internship - Electronics
LINAK is looking for students who are interested in an internship within electronics! We are looking for you who has a can-do attitude and you who would like to become part of a dynamic and engaged team. You will be involved in all kinds of problems, and you will be included in both large and small projects.
We are looking for interns within the following areas: Existing Products and R&D.
In Existing Products, you can work with analysis, implementation, and documentation of technical improvements on products. You can work with implementing cost and carry out small development projects to ensure the product maintains its competitiveness.
See this video to learn more about how it is to be an intern in Existing Products (electronics) at LINAK.
In R&D, you will work with current development projects and take part in the process from idea to running production. Tasks may include drawing, analysing, testing, and implementing complex circuit board design as a part of large development projects and documentation of own work throughout the whole course of development.
Examples of previous projects - Projects vary depending on your knowledge and interests:
In R&D an intern has worked with a 200W AC-DC Flyback converter as power supply for control boxes. This task included design of the transformer, estimation and testing of efficiency and identification and removal of EMC. The intern had to balance cost price, efficiency, and complexity throughout the whole design.
Preparation of openbus interface for testing LINAK products. Including choice of interface components (Raspberry PI) and choice of software on PI (C++) and Labview and test stand integration, CAD diagram, PCB layout and CE marking.
We are looking for you who
When you apply
you must indicate the time frame for the internship
you must describe your motivation for choosing LINAK as place of internship
you must contain your preliminary transcript of records
We have no application deadline. Applications are processed as they are received, and interviews are conducted on a rolling basis, so apply as soon as possible.
Start: August / September 2025
If you would like to have more information, please contact HR Administrator Lene Bernth-Andersen, phone: +4573151503.
Group Headquarters
Smedevænget 8, Guderup
6430 Nordborg
Husk at skrive i din ansøgning, at du så jobbet hos Ofir