Consultancy in Internal Medicine: Respiratory Medicine combined with a clinical research associate professorship in Respiratory Medicine
A clinical position as consultant in Internal Medicine: Respiratory Medicine at the Department of Medicine at Copenhagen University Hospital– Zealand University Hospital is open for appointment from as soon as possible.
The position as consultant or staff specialist is combined with a 5-year externally funded position as clinical research associate professor in Respiratory Medicine at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen.
As a clinical research associate professor at Zealand University Hospital, you become part of a fellowship of professors and other researchers who work to bring research in the forefront for novel treatments to benefit the patients we serve.
It is a requirement that you can become accepted for appointment of both the clinical research associate professorship and the clinical position.
The Department of Medicine is based in Roskilde and has specialized functions within respiratory medicine, infectious diseases and nephrology. The department primarily handles specialized functions within the three subspecialties. Patients with general, non-specialized medical disorders are predominantly treated at other hospitals in the region.
The department in Roskilde has three wards with a total of 59 beds, and outpatient activities in four geographic sites within the Region of Zealand.
Between the specialties there is a good collaboration and as a consultant you will experience an inclusive atmosphere among staff.
Clinical functions and focus areas of the department
You will become part of the respiratory medicine-specialist team with clinical function in the specialty's outpatient clinics and wards, where the distribution of work functions will take your interests and qualifications into consideration. You will e.g. have the opportunity to put together an outpatient program corresponding to your area of interest.
The department has regional function in all areas of respiratory medicine and allergology, and the outpatient clinic covers the entire spectrum of respiratory medicine/allergology. In the period up to 2027, we are preparing to move into the future Zealand University Hospital (SUH) in the new hospital building in Køge. The planned merger of functions from Næstved and Roskilde will create one of Denmark's largest pulmonary medicine centers, with a wide range of specialized and general functions, and support our goal of being among the frontrunners in lung medicine in Denmark.
Research and teaching
With the new position as consultant and clinical research associate professorship in Respiratory Medicine, the Department of Medicine wishes to strengthen leadership in clinical research in the areas of (1) pulmonary infections and (2) research methodology to improve evidence based clinical guidelines. The position also enables the department to take a greater responsibility in teaching internal medicine, teaching students in the clinic and, in more general terms, collaborate with other faculty departments regarding the curriculum in the medical education at Zealand University.
Applicants for a position as consultant must be board-certified specialist in Internal Medicine: Respiratory Medicine.
In order to be considered, the applicant must send an application to both the Faculty (the clinical research associate professorship) and to the hospital (the clinical position) cf. the simultaneously advertised position of the clinical research associate professorship. Appointment is conditioned by the fact that the applicant obtains both positions. This also applies to the applicants who are already employed as consultants at Zealand University Hospital.
Salary and conditions of employment as consultant or staff specialist are as agreed between the Danish Regions and the Danish Association of Medical Specialists and between the Capital Region/Region Zealand and University of Copenhagen.
As clinical research associate professor at least 50 % of the working time will be allocated to academic tasks (e.g. research, teaching, evaluation tasks and communication with the public) in agreement with the Head of Department of Clinical Medicine at the University of Copenhagen. The remaining time will be allocated for clinical work in agreement with the Head og Department at Department of Medicine – Zealand University Hospital.
Application procedure:
The application must include the following:
For more information please refer to
For applicants with a foreign license also a copy of the authorization certificate for specialist in Internal Medicine: Respiratory Medicine recognition.
The closing date for applications is 23.59pm, Sunday 23 March 2025.
Further information:
For further information please contact Head of Department Bue Juvik, tel. + 45 4732 2001, or email: [email protected].
The advertisement for the clinical research associate professorship is available from the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen (
Om os
Den 1. januar 2024 fusionerede Sjællands Universitetshospital (SUH) med Nykøbing F. Sygehus (NFS). Som et af Danmarks største akutsygehuse driver og udvikler vi sygehusene i Køge, Roskilde og Nykøbing F. Vi har aktivitet på alle regionens sygehuse, og vi betjener alle regionens patienter med specialiserede sundhedsydelser samt tilbyder sundhedsydelser inden for 32 forskellige lægelige specialer.
Som Danmarks seneste universitetshospital søger vi at omdefinere tilgangen til, hvordan sundhedsfaglige ydelser leveres i regionen. Vi stræber efter at sikre lige sundhedstilbud for alle. Med øget fokus på uddannelse, forskning og innovation arbejder vi ud fra tankesættet om at bygge bro over afstande, etablere tværfaglige fællesskaber og bringe specialiseret behandling tættere på borgerne.
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