Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (EGR) at the University of Copenhagen is offering a 22-month postdoc position commencing 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. We are looking for a candidate with a background in sociolinguistics, (linguistic) anthropology or related fields, with experience in ethnography and preferably also discourse and narrative analysis, who is motivated to undertake an independent research project as part of a three-year collaborative project on multilingualism and work migration in Danish agriculture (MiDAS) funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
MiDAS The MiDAS project explores multilingualism and work in a globalised labour market by studying labour migration and multilingual work in the Danish agricultural sector. The study asks how language at work and language as work are valued as part of integration processes, workplace communication and individual experiences of inclusion. The project assesses and theorises relations between language and work to generate knowledge about social orders in the agricultural sector specifically, but also in the global labour market more generally. Based on these insights it contributes to the development of better opportunities for communication and integration in the workplace. To understand language and work from different levels as 1) practices, 2) beliefs and 3) experiences, the project is designed as a multi-sited ethnography of the Danish agricultural sector with data consisting of e.g. interviews, policy documents, and of observations and recordings of workplace interactions.
The project contains four work packages (WPs): 1) Mapping affordances and constraints to multilingualism, 2) Studying the uses of language in a multilingual workplace, 3) Reassessing and theorising the values of language work, and 4) Applying results and making language valuable.
WP1 and WP2 are the empirical backbone of the project. WP1 maps affordances and barriers to multilingualism in the agricultural sector. WP2 studies and analyses how interaction is mediated and how meaning-making is achieved and valued in multilingual and multicultural work situations. WP3 theorises language and work as social value and order, while WP4 develops a set of best-practice recommendations for interaction in multilingual workplaces based on results from WP1-3 and in close collaboration with research partners.
Internationalisation is an important aspect of the project and therefore the successful applicant will have funding for a research stay abroad as well as for attending international conferences together with the rest of the MiDAS team.
The project is led by Ass. Professor Kamilla Kraft (PI).
The postdoc project The successful postdoc candidate will be responsible for WP1, “Mapping affordances and constraints to multilingualism”, and will undertake an independent research project, designed to fit the overall research agenda of the MIDAS host project. The postdoc will be expected to design and conduct an empirical study mapping affordances and constraints to multilingualism at different scales: (1) national and international regulation, (2) workplace practices, and (3) individual experiences. This entails that the postdoc project should generate and analyse data about legislation and guidelines on language and communication in the agricultural sector, work practices in a farm, and individuals’ work trajectories and experiences with language and work. WP1 should provide knowledge on how and why opportunities or challenges to multilingualism arise, based on an analysis of how language is constructed in relation to work as well as who experiences multilingualism as e.g. beneficial or counterproductive to work. Primary data types could be ethnographic observations and interviews, recordings of interaction, institutional polices and legal documents, linguistic biographies, as well as feedback sessions with participants. In terms of theory, the project should contribute to the host project’s overall understanding of the relations of language and work and the material as well as symbolic consequences of these relations. This entails that data generated for WP1 will also be used for WP3 and WP4. The postdoc will have the opportunity to contribute to these WP’s, but will only be responsible for WP1. The PI will supervise the postdoc project and also be part of the data generation process. The analysis process will partly be carried out by the team, e.g. through data sessions, to ensure coherence within the overall project as well as foster a collaborative research environment.
Applicants are expected to outline a proposed research design for WP1 as part of the application (see details below).
The specific focus and details of the postdoc project will be decided in collaboration with the host project PI, based on the ideas presented in the successful applicant’s project description and the overall research interests of the host project.
Teaching The postdoc position is primarily devoted to research. In addition, a certain amount of teaching activities and the performance of other duties may be required to a limited extent.
Qualification requirements - Applicants must have a relevant PhD degree with a specialization within the areas of sociolinguistics, (linguistic) anthropology, applied linguistics or similar.
- Practical experience with (linguistic) ethnography, preferably also discourse analysis and narrative analysis, or similar.
- Practical experience with initiating and maintaining collaborations with research partners/participants is an advantage.
- Due to the collaborative nature of the host project, it is essential that the candidate has excellent collaborative skills and a strong interest in being part of a close-knit research team, and a wish to contribute to the host project as well as the individual project.
- Since the study will involve fieldwork and data in spoken and written Danish, knowledge of Danish or another Scandinavian language with receptive proficiency in Danish is a requirement.
- For academic interaction and dissemination purposes, the successful applicant must be a strong communicator in English.
- Other language skills are an advantage, but not a requirement.
More information on types of academic positions at UCPH and requirements for the different positions is available here:
For further details about the qualification requirements for postdoc positions, please consult the Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities available here: Assessment criteria - Research qualifications, including relevance and quality of previous publications, as reflected in the attached CV, project description and list of publications.
- Ability to conduct independent research and participate in research collaboration.
- The quality, originality and feasibility of the proposed postdoc project.
- Relevance of the postdoc project for the host project.
- Competencies in and knowledge of relevant fields of academic research and methods.
Teaching qualifications are not a requirement, but documented teaching experience can be included in the overall assessment.
Application Applications must be submitted electronically, in PDF or Microsoft Word format, via the ‘Apply now’ button at the bottom of this page.
The application must include the following documents:
1. Motivated letter of application (max. one page)
This letter should outline how the postdoc project relates to the host project and describe your competencies and personal qualifications.
2. CV (max. two pages)
The CV should contain details about educational background, language skills and other skills relevant for the position.
3. Documentation of qualifications (exam certificates and PhD diploma)
Applicants with a degree from a university where the working language is not English or one of the Scandinavian languages must submit a translation of their diploma and/or diploma transcripts. These documents must be translated into English, Danish, Norwegian or Swedish. An official description of the grading scale (and a diploma supplement where relevant) must also be attached.
4. Postdoc project description (max. 12,000 characters, incl. spaces, excl. list of references)
Applicants must include a detailed project description outlining:
- the proposed research question(s)
- state of the art
- presentation and motivation of the theoretical framework
- presentation and discussion of choice of methods and research design
- a description of the project itself and how you see it fitting in with the larger research project and contributing substantially to it
- a working plan for the project, including a plan for how to recruit participants and other research partners
5. Complete list of publications (attached publications must be marked with an asterisk). The list must be structured systematically and divided into the following categories:
Peer-reviewed publications, e.g.:
- Monographs and anthologies
- Articles in journals
- Book chapters/anthology contributions, etc.
Non-peer-reviewed publications, e.g.:
- Publications or other media, e.g. podcasts, disseminating research findings, etc.
Applicants can submit a maximum of three publications for assessment. The publication dates must be clearly marked on the list. The selected publications must be uploaded as attachments and numbered [1–3]. Should any material submitted consist of work with named co-authors, or work that is otherwise the result of collective academic endeavors, the extent of the applicant’s contribution to the work must be clearly specified.
6. Teaching CV/portfolio documenting teaching and/or supervision experience at university level as well as other forms of knowledge dissemination.
7. Short statement (max 2.400 characters, incl. spaces) about expected development as a researcher over the course of the position and future plans.
Only documentation in English, Danish, Swedish or Norwegian will be assessed.
We reserve the right not to consider applications that fail to live up to the abovementioned requirements.
The recruitment process After the deadline for applications has expired, applicants are shortlisted for assessment on the advice of an Appointment Committee. All applicants will be notified whether they have been shortlisted for assessment or not. An expert Assessment Committee is then appointed and tasked with carrying out an assessment of the shortlisted applicants. The shortlisted applicants will be informed who is serving on the committee.
Applicants will also be offered the opportunity to comment on the committee’s assessment of their application before the appointment is announced.
Upon completion of the assessments, a selection of qualified candidates will be invited for an interview. Please be advised that a positive assessment does not necessarily mean that you will be invited for an interview.
For further information on the recruitment process, please see University of Copenhagen’s website:
Salary and terms of employment Terms of appointment and salary will be in accordance with an agreement between the Ministry of Finance and The Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC). Depending on seniority, the monthly salary range for postdocs begins around DKK 38,700 (EUR 5100), plus 17.1 % pension scheme contribution.
Place of employment The place of employment is Department of English, Germanic and Romance Studies (EGR), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen. We offer creative and stimulating working conditions in a dynamic and international research environment. See for further information.
An equal opportunity workplace The University of Copenhagen is committed in its pursuit of academic excellence to equality of opportunity and to creating an inclusive working environment and therefore encourages all qualified candidates to apply, regardless of personal background, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, ethnicity etc. For more on the diverse working place environment at the University and the University’s participation in the HRS4R HR Excellence in Research, see
International applicants The University of Copenhagen offers a broad variety of services for international researchers and accompanying families, including support before and during your relocation and career counselling to expat partners. Please find more information about these services as well as information on entering and working in Denmark here: For international researchers at the University of Copenhagen – University of Copenhagen (
A special tax scheme is offered to researchers recruited abroad. Please see:
Contact information Information about the recruitment process is available from HR, email: hrsc@, please refer to ID number: 211-2132/25-2I #2.
For specific questions about the postdoc position and MiDAS, please contact the project PI, Kamilla Kraft (
[email protected]).
Application deadline: 1 May 2025, 23:59 (CEST).
Any applications or additional material submitted after the deadline will not be considered.