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  2. IT
  3. Albertslund


Securitas is looking for Security Guards for datacenter at Zealand



Sydvestvej 100, 2600 Glostrup, Danmark

ID: 2778983
Indrykket for 64 dage siden

Are you an experienced, service-oriented security guard who enjoys a challenging and varied workday? If so, we have a rare opportunity for you to become part of a high-profile and comprehensive security operation for our client at Zealand.

Be where it happens

We are looking for Security Guards who are strong communicators with a service-minded attitude. We offer many exciting and challenging tasks, providing opportunity for professional development. As a Security Guard, you will be responsible for monitoring our client’s data center. You will handle emails, record issues, report them to the appropriate individuals, and assist in completing reports.

Are you ready to take on the challenge?

The ideal candidate has strong customer service skills and the ability to facilitate effective communication internally and externally. You will perform administrative tasks and act as the duty manager for the local team. You will also be responsible for maintaining documentation and following standardized procedures to conduct unscheduled audits successfully. In addition, you will gather complete information for detailed reports, create well-documented reports, and ensure they reach the relevant parties.

Your primary responsibilities as a Security Guard will include:

  • Monitoring physical security operations at the client’s data center
  • Monitoring cameras and access control systems covering data halls and entry/exit doors
  • Keeping logs and records in accordance with the data center’s standard operating procedures (SOP)
  • Identifying and escalating issues following documented policies and procedures
  • Reviewing all reports written during your shift
  • Ensuring all scheduled posts are staffed
  • Identifying security gaps and suggesting improvements to the security program

We’ll ensure you’re fully prepared for the role by providing training in all relevant procedures and systems.

What do we expect from you?

You are an experienced guard with excellent verbal and written communication skills. You are physically capable of patrolling the entire area and flexible enough to work rotating shifts.

We would like you to succeed and thrive, so we’re looking for someone who has:

  • 3-4 years of relevant experience in the security industry
  • Basic IT skills (Email, MS Office, etc.)
  • Proficiency in both English and Danish (reading, writing, and comprehension)
  • Experience managing crowds during check-in processes
  • Completion of the AMU Basic Guard Course or the education for guards

Become part of a strong team

We are an efficient team that fosters professional growth and self-challenge. At the same time, we operate in a competitive environment where we all strive to achieve greater results than the day before.

The salary is competitive and above the industry standard.

Do you want to contribute to security and become part of the community?

We conduct interviews on an ongoing basis, so submit your motivated application and CV today rather than tomorrow, and no later than January 6, 2025. Tell us how you can make a difference as our new Security Talent. Feel free to attach transcripts, relevant statements, and recommendations.

If you have any questions, please contact Team Leader, Michael Calheim, at [email protected].

We look forward to meeting you.


Det er en forudsætning for ansættelse i Securitas, at man kan blive godkendt af Rigspolitiet. Under rekrutteringsprocessen kan Securitas udføre online baggrundstjek af kandidater på blandt andet de sociale medier. Der indhentes altid referencer fra tidligere arbejdsgivere.

Vi gør opmærksom på at Securitas A/S udelukkende benytter elektronisk rekruttering og det er således kun muligt at søge stillingen online. Ansøgninger sendt via mail eller post kommer ikke i betragtning og vil blive slettet ved modtagelse.

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