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Roskilde Universitet

Senior researcher in Strategic Foresight fra Roskilde Universitet



Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde, Danmark

ID: 2722885
Indrykket for 11 dage siden
Department of People and Technology, Roskilde University, invites applications for a position as senior researcher in strategic foresight from 01-01-2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is limited to 5 years.

Department of People and Technology is the largest department at RUC, and covers a range of subject areas, broadly focused on human – society – technology interactions and covering e.g. sustainable transition, social entrepreneurship, urban planning, sustainable digitization, health studies etc. The position is linked to research group TRANSITIONS aiming at generating transdisciplinary knowledge about sustainable transitions with a focus on the interactions between societal and technological development.

We are looking for an applicant with a strong research profile in strategic foresight and experience with developing and applying foresight tools such as scenario planning, backcasting, technology roadmapping, horizon scanning, and foresight radars to explore potential futures and guide decision-making processes in businesses and in public authorities. The applicant must have documented experience with research in strategic foresight tools (theoretical and methodological) and experience from research projects on the use, application and evaluation of strategic foresight tools, methods, and approaches. As a part of the job, the applicant will be working on a research project on innovation and strategic foresight in the maritime sector (Femern Belt Innovation). It is therefore appreciated if the applicant has experience with research in the maritime sector, however this is not an absolute requirement.

The applicant must contribute to developing RUCs portfolio of vocational education and training programs – specifically with a focus on strategic foresight courses and training, offered by the department to companies and public authorities. We are therefore also looking for a candidate who has teaching experience from vocational education and training.

Responsibilities and tasks
The ideal candidate for this position is expected to:
  • Perform research and publish in leading international, peer-reviewed journals and/or international publishing houses (books and book chapters)
  • Secure external research funding and engage in international research partnerships.
  • Play a key role in developing the portfolio of vocational education and training offered by the department.
  • Demonstrate active engagement with key stakeholders in the public and private sector.
  • Contribute to the development of the research profile of the department and in TRANSITIONS research group.
  • Increase the international recognition of the research conducted.
  • Develop and nurture research networks nationally and internationally, including industry, civil and public sector partners.
  • Actively contribute to the research environment by a visible and physical presence at the Department

Applicants must hold a PhD degree or equivalent.

The applicant is expected to possess initiative and good networking and social skills, be active and visible in organizing the daily activities in the TRANSITIONS research group. Both professional and social competencies will be prioritized in the efforts to create an inspiring daily working environment.

The ideal candidate shall be enterprising and possess good communication skills and be a visible involved participant in the department’s daily activities, in addition to being willing to engage in disciplinary and interdisciplinary collaboration across the department.

In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:
  • Relevance of research expertise,
  • scientific production and research potential at an international level,
  • the ability to create, promote and utilize research results,
  • experience in development and management of vocational education and training,
  • the ability to create an engaged and interactive learning environment that motivate and inspire students to develop all aspects of their profiles,
  • the ability to attract external funding and manage research projects in collaboration with external partners such as public authorities, private companies, NGO’s etc.
  • networks and collaborative abilities

For further information about the position, please contact head of section Thomas Budde Christensen ([email protected] phone +45 20 78 43 79) or dean Bjarke Oxlund ([email protected]).

Terms of employment
The employment is on full time, 37 hours per week, and you will refer to the dean Bjarke Oxlund.

The position will be filled according to the Agreement between the Danish Ministry of Finance and the Danish Confederation of Professional Associations (AC) and Job Structure for Academic Staff at Universities.

Application procedure
After the deadline for applications the Dean will shortlist applicants for assessment with assistance from the recruitment committee including the chairperson of the assessment committee.

Shortly after the application deadline all applicants will be notified whether or not their application has been selected for assessment.

The shortlisted applicants will be informed about the composition of the assessment committee, and each applicant will be given the opportunity to comment on the composition of the committee and - later on - their assessment.

Once the recruitment process is completed, all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their application.

To apply for the position go to www.ruc.dk/en/job/

Only applications in English are accepted.

Applications must include:

1. Cover letter

2. CV

3. Documentation of education

4. Teaching portfolio (read more about teaching portfolio at Roskilde University here)

5. A complete list of publications

6. A maximum of 5 relevant scientific works that you want included in the assessment

If any of the publications that you want included in the assessment are the result of a joint effort, the extent and the nature of your contribution to each individual work must then be clarified in a co-author statement (find template here)

Please submit your application no later than 10-10-2024.

Material received after this date will not be taken into consideration.

Roskilde University wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background.


Roskilde Universitets fornemmeste opgave er eksperimenterende, nyskabende former for læring, forskning og problemløsning, som flytter samfundet fremad. Vi uddanner kompetente tværfaglige kandidater og skaber videnskabelige resultater af højeste kvalitet gennem åbenhed, involvering og videndeling.
Roskilde Universitet har ca. 6.500 studerende, 900 ansatte og 800 mio. kr. i årlig omsætning.


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