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JKS Tech&Metal

Stainless Steel Welders for project in Kolding



ID: 2849147
Indrykket for 10 dage siden

For our partner in Kolding, we are seeking skilled welders for a project lasting approximately 3 months.

Professional competencies:

  • The job does not require a valid welding certificate, but it is a clear advantage if you have certificates.
  • You have experience with stainless steel work in thin plate and can TIG weld.
  • You love welding, but you must also be able to deliver a fine grinding finish.
  • Experience in welding with backing gas will be a great advantage for the tasks you will be working on.
  • You speak either Danish or English.

You can expect:

  • Work on an exciting project with plenty of challenges.
  • Employment under the DI agreement and good pay according to qualifications.
  • A daily work environment with professional challenges, good working conditions, and skilled colleagues.

Fill out the application form and attach your CV via the "apply for the position" button below. We will continuously call for interviews as the position needs to be filled as soon as possible. Due to the General Data Protection Regulation, we do not accept applications and CVs by email. If you have questions about the job, please contact Cornel Vasile at tel  + 45 30 85 13 10 or  Rasmus Sørensen at tel. +45 24 24 99 75.

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